Monday, January 9, 2012

Workshop in the Kouk Khleang community

Saturday 7.1 we gave a workshop in the Kouk Khleang community a bit outside the city center, just north of the airport.

Before going on this feedback-trip we have been in contact with a couple of Finnish architects we already knew, Inari Virkkala and Noora Aaltonen from Komitu Architects. They are currently working on the design and building process of a new youth centre in the Kouk Khleang community and have some useful contacts with the youth there via KKKHRDA. We decided to collaborate in the work shop. For preparations we bought a used bicycle, some tape, and some string.

We wanted to present the idea of a mobile library, carried by a bicycle, to encourage the interest in reading from an early age. This idea originates from the collaboration between NGO Room to Read and a group of students from the course of 2011. We also wanted to try some different “up-cycling” ideas using old material like empty plastic bottles or bottle-caps. An important aspect was the collaboration between the community members, the students from RUFA and us.

We decorated the bicycle together. People could choose to work on one of the three parts: basket in the front, box in the back or frame. For children we had things to draw with and examples of bicycles from 20th century Florence. We also made some small boxes out of bottle caps and bottle halves, bracelets out of can as well as a few tippy-taps (easy-to-make system for washing hands) which we hang outside the toilets of the community center.

When testing the bike for a ride around the community the idea seemed to work. Kids wanted to borrow some books. The borrowing system seemed unfamiliar to them though, and a mother suggested the community should have a meeting to inform everyone how it could work. This was then suggested to the community leader, and he said that he would take responsibly for this. Also the tippy taps seemed popular among the youngsters in the community for washing hands people were also happy about the upcycling and the children seemed to like to draw and help with the bike decorations.

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